VirtualllyUnconscious_Clark_Cover (0-04-59-29).jpg

Virtually Unconscious

Virtually Unconscious is a dark infographic animation about the deep web by Peter Clark and Chase Hochstatter


'Virtually Unconscious' conveys the contemporary human struggle for anonymity amongst a pervasive digital enclosure of privatized data surveillance.  This project does not support the use of TOR and does not discourage the use of social media, but rather encourages a greater contemplation of what we sacrifice while using 'free' digital media. Inspired by the work of Stuart Hall.  It was my pleasure to complete this project with the ever-talented Chase Hochstatter.

Role: Design & Animation
Studio: SCAD Collaborative Project
Created: 2014

Practical & Digital Effects

Chase Hochstatter and I created a variety of 3D graphics, vector animation, practical light effects and glitch effects.  We used baking trays of water to distort projections for re-photography and used peg board with black lights to create distant server towers.


Animation & Design
Chase Hochstatter
Peter Clark

Sound Design
Matthew Wesdock

Voice Over
Noel Anderson