
Nike Battleforce

Promotional material for The Game Awards, 2015 by Peter Clark.


The sultans of swoosh, Oddfellows Studio, reached out to me for some practical FX experimentation on Nike’s Battle Force promo material. Battle Force is a celebration of sports and culture - a global event where hoops, art, music and dance all come together. This years theme was ‘Process’ so we all worked together to layer a myriad of analog effects with digital techniques. It was an honor working with such a diverse team of animators and designers while returning to my roots of spray paint and digital photography.

Role: Design & Animation
Studio: Oddfellows
Client: Nike
Created: 2018


Most of the passes I created for the nike swoosh reveal involved stop-motion sequences of spray paint. After laser-cutting a few stencils, I used several different types of spray paint to find an interesting way to reveal the logo form.

Spray Paint Logos

Nike Battle Force Peter Clark

I dragged several different objects across a scanner bed to create an array of stop motion sequences. The first attempts focused on stretching the Battle Force logo and later experiments focused on using elements associated with the Battle Force brand. I worked with microphones, shoe laces, a basketball and even glitter. I also printed a few frames of the animation and scanned them to create liquified transition effects.

Scanography Elements

Directed by: Oddfellows
Creative Direction: Chris Kelly, Jarratt Moody
Executive Producer: Erica Kelly
Producer: Kaitlyn Mahoney
Design: Yuki Yamada, Joyce Liu, Ariel Costa, Peter Clark, Sarah Beth Morgan, Tyler Morgan, Jon Riedell
2d Animation: Tyler Morgan, Jon Riedell, Ariel Costa, Peter Clark
3d Animation: CJ Cook
Music & Sound: CypherAudio
