Film title graphics created for the Divinity, a 2023 American science fiction film written and directed by Eddie Alcazar. Set in an otherworldly human existence, scientist Sterling Pierce dedicated his life to the quest for immortality, slowly creating the building blocks of a groundbreaking serum named "Divinity". Jaxxon Pierce, his son, now controls and manufactures his father's once-benevolent dream into a malicious nightmare.

The master of surrealist film, Eddie Alcazar, reached out for help on creating titles for his latest film titled ‘Divinity.’ The highly NSFW piece delves into a world of immortality, body horror and cyberpunk dystopia. I was tasked with creating liquid effects that would represent a divine white chemical moving through vital organs as people ingested it. These liquid effects also served as backgrounds for title designs created by the rest of the team, which I ran through analog glitch hardware to create our final look. Special thanks to Eddie Alcazar, Andrew Hawryluk and the rest of the design team for getting me involved on this truly unique project.
The story takes place in an otherworldly human existence, where scientist Sterling Pierce dedicated his life to the quest for immortality, slowly creating the building blocks of a groundbreaking serum named "Divinity". Jaxxon Pierce, his son, now controls and manufactures his father's once-benevolent dream into a malicious nightmare.
Role: Main Title Animator
Client: Eddie Alcazar
Created: 2023
The initial title designs were created by Andrew Hawryluk, Jarred Hageman and Nicolas Lopardo. These graphics were run through a custom ascii art process by Andrew and then provided to me. I then composited them over my liquid graphics and ran them through a combination of the Tachyon+ Dreamweapon module and a sony trinitron 13” CRT television.
The moving liquid effects were created by pressing glow-stick solution between two clear acrylic panels. As the panels were pulled apart, the liquid separated to create various reaction-diffusion patterns. The effects were filmed on a Blackmagic 6K camera with a zeiss 50mm makro-planar lens. The footage was then brought into Davinci Resolve for desaturation and contrast.
The practical liquid effects were brought into 3D software to be mapped on dimensional surfaces, which created gaps for typography and made the liquid appear to travel through internal organs. The footage was imported into Cinema 4D and applied to various displaced planes, each of them undulating as though they were pumping the liquid through the body. Each plane had 2 layers, one for the footage and another on top for a semi-transparent outer layer, which made it look like the surfaces were glowing from within. The planes were then duplicated in various compositions and rendered in Octane to create the final look.
The whole title sequence was run though analog glitch gear called The Dreamweapon, which was build by Tachyons+. The sequences were glitched using various parameters and then re-filmed with a blackmaic 6K camera and a Sony Trinitron 13” CRT television. The different glitch passes were then color graded in Davinci Resolve and edited in Adobe AfterEffects.
Director: Eddie Alcazar
Producer: Steven Soderbergh
Main Title Design: Andrew Hawryluk, Peter Clark, Jarred Hageman, Nicolas Lopardo
Music: Dean Hurley, DJ Muggs